Family is a gift!

My family is my life.

They are the foundation on which everything else is built. I remember when my eldest daughter Arielle was born, my life changed completely in that moment. Nothing prepared me for the feeling of being responsible for something 24/7, dedicating your life to that small person, loving them more than anything in the world and hoping they love you back at least just a little bit. I remember my biggest shock after her being born was me not having time for me, not being able to just jump in the shower when I wanted to, not having the freedom of doing whatever I wanted when I wanted. My life in a moment had completely changed to being focused on myself to completely focused on a small, super reliant little being. When I fell pregnant with Nadia only 17 months later I wondered how I would cope. I wondered how I would be a mother to 2 when I felt I was already failing at 1. I wondered how I would have time to do anything with 2 as 1 seemed to fill up ALL my time! I completely neglected doing things for myself, stop doing what I loved and always felt guilty. I was anxious, worn out and my “cup was completely empty”. I hated my post body baby and lost myself. After Nadia was born I realised 2 was not so bad. Busy yes but I managed (if only just some days….I still managed.) I found strength inside and the light that was shining from the hearts of my 2 girls lit the way through my darkness and taught me to stay strong even when other parts of life seemed to be falling apart. Now after Oliver, (somehow with 3 under 5 years old) I feel complete. I have realised the importance of not loosing yourself after children. I have realised the importance of making time for YOU!!! I have realised that family doesn’t take you away from where you are meant to be in life….but…..instead leads you right to it. I now realise that family doesn’t stop you from being yourself or doing what you love, it’s just sometimes you need to be more creative in how you do it. 3 kids have taught me to value myself, to be grateful everyday, to love those around you, to find your spirit & to be yourself because despite all that you are and all that your not, they always love you.

My son is my connection to spirit. He is my anchor that keeps me grounded in what is important in life and urges me on with my purpose. He is my reminder that life passes in a fleeting moment and my reminder that every moment is special. He keeps me loving deeply and he teaches me that the only constant in life is change and one day all will be different. Not better or worse but just different. While my daughters challenged my outlook on life and strengthened me as a mother. My son is the one who knocked down all the walls of illusion to who I am and allowed me to find freedom in being myself. My daughters taught me responsibility, they taught me to always do my best for them, they taught me you can win at anything despite any odds if only you change your perception…but it is my son who has shown me the miracle of life and aligned me with my purpose. He has taught me the importance of releasing the need for perfect and instead to find the beauty in just being real. ❤️

About the Author

My name is Tamlyn (Mama Yogi Tam) and I am a wife and mother to 3 beautiful children. I am passionate about empowering women to dedicate time themselves using holistic tools so they can “fill their cup” and best self. I believe self care is the key to happier, healthier families as we all learn to take care own needs in a loving and positive way.
