4 Essential Tips for Designing a Princess-Themed Bedroom

Designing a bedroom for your little princess can be a great bonding experience between mom and child. It’s also a really fun way to exercise your creative chops and see how a bit of DIY can greatly improve your home. Don’t be intimidated by the idea of redesigning an entire bedroom; you’ve already started by deciding on a theme. Now, it’s just a matter of sticking to that theme with every design decision you make.

Ask Your Child for Inspiration

Designing a bedroom with a specific theme like princess or pirate is, in some ways, easier to accomplish than more common themes like Zen, rustic, or ultra-modern. With a princess theme, you can take inspiration from stories, fairy tales, and movies. Which princess or story inspired your child to want a princess-themed bedroom? Which elements of this story can be replicated in your bedroom design?

For instance, if your child was inspired by Princess Merida from Brave, you can play around with how she loves archery as well as her color scheme of gold over lush green. If it’s Pocahontas, then you’re in luck: a lot of inspiration can be drawn from that particular princess’ native American heritage. If your child’s simply in love with the traditional and romantic notion of a fairy tale princess, you can use elements like tiaras, carriages, castles, and mystical forests to tell a story.

Determine and Stick to a Color Scheme

What are your child’s favorite colors? While most moms get the idea that designing a princess-themed bedroom limits your options to ‘girly’ colors like pink or purple, any color scheme that fits your child’s preferences will do. Just remember not to go overboard with the colors; don’t just blindly follow your child’s color suggestions. Try to give your child what they want without compromising the final look and feel of the bedroom. Find a color scheme that both of you can agree on.

You Don’t Need a Big Budget if You’re Creative and Clever

Here are a bunch of affordable ways to achieve a princess-themed bedroom:

  • Cheap, small, and shiny plastic/metal tiaras can be used to hold curtains together.
  • Use a mosquito net, a Christmas wreath, and a hook to hang a canopy above your princess’ bed.
  • Make a tutu for the bedroom table using cheap and easy-to-find materials.
  • Stick a simple castle decal on the wall right behind the bed, creating a faux castle headboard.
  • Put mirrors inside fancy-looking photo frames and hang them on the wall.
  • Paint one or two faux windows on a wall, revealing an enchanted forest or a castle in the distance. If you can’t paint, hire an artist for a reasonable fee.
  • Polish up your old antique metal and silverware at home and see which ones can serve as princess-themed decoration.
  • When stacking pillows on the bed for an instantly luxurious look, make sure that the pillows only take up 1/4th of the bed’s surface.
  • Hang a small but pretty chandelier that actually has functioning lights.
  • Use Christmas lights as a warm lighting option that’s both decorative and useful as a dim nightlight.
  • Attach castle parapet walls and/or roofs to the tops of existing high shelves. You can also add fake vines to make these look more like castles.

When it comes to home design improvement projects, a little creativity can really go a long way. And with the money you save, you might just be able to afford getting your child an actual canopy bed with a matching mattress.

Make Your Little Princess Do Some Work

Apart from the decision-making, your child should also be involved in some of the work that needs to be done in accomplishing your desired look and feel. Since you’re doing this for your child anyway, why not turn it into a great bonding experience while also getting their tiny hands to help? Some of the cheap DIY suggestions above can be fun little projects to do over the weekend.